9 records
Frontend Developer
Refactored the legacy Flash application into the performant React application.
- Designed and architected core Mobx Classes.
- Integrated Web Socket messages.
- Implemented React components.
Frontend Developer
Enhanced user experience with new features in React and React Native.
- Maintained the React Native application
- Integrated Braze Notification.
- Integrated the Azure b2c authentication API.
- Integrated the Google Map API.
- Enhanced the web application with responsive UI.
Airwallex NG
Full Stack Developer
Enhanced the admin management system.
- Implemented GraphQL schemas and query APIs and integrated them into React components.
- Implemented a business flow diagram React component with D3.js.
Full Stack Developer
Implemented the English classes generation feature.
- Implemented English classes content generation functionality.
- Implemented English classes management functionality.
Frontend Developer
Designed the algorithm to draw the nodes relationship diagram with D3.js.
Frontend Developer
Designed and implemented solutions to generate dynamic forms with rich features.
Full Stack Developer
Implemented a full featured rooms booking application with responsive web pages.
- Implemented responsive web pages.
- Integrated Firebase APIs for the room booking feature.
- Deployed the project by Firebase hosting service.
Interactive Labs official site
Full Stack Developer
Utilized GreenSock and Lottie to implement engaging web animations, enhancing user experience and interactivity.
- Implemented responsive web pages with engaging animations.
- Implemented email sender feature by Firebase cloud function API.